Frequently Asked Questions

Patient Center/Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I tell if I need to see a periodontist?

A: Generally your regular dentist will recommend you see a periodontist. However, if you see signs of recession or have bleeding gums or loose teeth, then you need an evaluation.

Q: How much will my procedure cost?

A: Treatment cost depends on the type of treatment needed. We create your dental treatment estimate on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration the severity and the number of areas that need to be treated. Our office manager will be able to provide you with a cost-estimate at your initial visit or once we have received a pre-treatment estimate from your insurance.

Q: Will my insurance cover my treatment?

A: At your initial visit our office manager will check your current benefits with your insurance company to determine if your treatment will be covered. Most, but not all, of periodontal treatment is covered by most insurance companies, however, coverage differs by company and plan type.

Q: Is periodontal surgery covered by my medical insurance?

A: Medical insurance generally does not cover dental treatment unless it is accident related.

Q: Do you offer any financing options?

A: We offer two types of financing. You can apply for an account with CareCredit and we offer an in-house payment plan for some procedures.

Q: What will happen if I don’t get treatment?

A: Gum disease is an infection in the bone that contributes to other medical issues.

Q: I’m looking into getting dental insurance. Can you suggest a good dental plan?

A: All dental insurance companies are different and they also offer different plan types and levels that have varied coverage. We accept most major dental insurance. When you’re comparing dental plans please consider the annual maximum allowed, coverage percent for periodontics, and wait periods.

Q: What should I expect at my first visit?

A: Your first visit to our office will consist of a periodontal examination and x-rays (unless a full-mouth series is provided from another dental office). Dr. Franklin will discuss recommended treatment options and our office manager will check your insurance benefits if applicable and go over treatment cost and estimates. In some cases we may send a pre-treatment estimate to your dental insurance to help insurance coverage. Treatment will not be completed at your first visit.

Q: I’m not eligible for x-rays right now. Do I still need to take them?

A: If you need periodontal treatment current x-rays will be needed to evaluate the bone loss. Dr. Franklin will not be able to give you an accurate diagnosis without them and most insurance companies require a copy be sent with your claims.

Q: As a periodontal patient, how often should I have my teeth cleaned?

A: Dr. Franklin recommends alternating on a 3-4 month interval with our office and your general dentist to help maintain your periodontal treatment. This interval can change depending on your stability.

Dr. Robert Franklin, a periodontist in Elizabethtown, Kentucky, specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of periodontal disease. Dr. Franklin welcomes patients from Elizabethtown, KY; Radcliff, KY; Louisville, KY; Bardstown, KY; Bowling Green, KY; Campbellsville, KY; Lebanon, KY; and Springfield, KY as well as the surrounding areas. Our office offers advanced dental treatments including the LANAP Laser Treatment for periodontal disease, Pinhole Surgical Technique™ for gum recession, gum grafting, osseous surgery, and bone grafting. Call (270) 600-6394 to schedule your appointment or click here to request an appointment online!

Have Additional Questions? Call Now: (270) 600-6394

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